Words have a power that can lead to murderous intents with deadly results. Art critic Libby LaBelle used the printed word to end the artistic endeavors of many talented people. It’s not surprising that someone approached her with murder in mind. Treat your audience to a plot filled with unexpected events.
Libby LaBelle, art critic for the influential "Graphic News," used her vitriolic columns to destroy the careers of many artists. A good review from Libby meant instant success. A bad review could signal the end of the line for the career of even the most talented individual.
And, Libby didn't limit her critiques to the art world. She'd regularly write scathing comments about the events she'd attended, panning the planning as well as the cuisine and wine selections. That's why, over the years, her list of eminent enemies grew. She was loved by her adoring fans and hated by the targets of her poisonous prose.
When it was announced that impressionist artist Pete Casso was to preview an upcoming exhibit at the Creative Connection Art Gallery, Libby made a point of letting everyone know she'd be there to, once again, pen a negative review of Casso's latest masterpiece.
Who would have suspected that the review would never be printed? For, in the middle of an acerbic attack on both the artwork and the occasion, Libby collapsed in a heap on the floor of the gallery, her worrisome word processor silenced forever.
Did someone take the opportunity to do away with her explosive expletives? And, what past unknown indiscretions could have prompted the passion? It would take a palette of investigative skills to solve the case and identify the murderer.
Libby and Lilac grew up together and were inseparable until they fell in love with the same man, Brett Cutler. Libby won the man, but how long would the victory last, and what would be the repercussions?
CASTING NOTE: Since Libby and Lilac look alike and are never on stage at the same time, both roles can be played by the same actress.
He couldn't decide between Libby and Lilac, but Libby eventually won his affections. When she tossed him into the streets penniless, he was determined to return and show Libby what she had missed. How would he have gone about it?
His work has been extolled by art critics everywhere. Only Libby LaBelle called him a "charlatan." It's been rumored that Libby's reviews cost Casso millions. Would he have been able to control his artistic temperament?
She's been rebuilding her career after Libby blasted her planning abilities several years ago. What would Libby have said about the event at the gallery? Could Sharon have afforded another bad review from her nemesis?
A negative review by Libby put an end to her budding career as a legitimate fine artist. Then, last week in her column, Libby promised to expose Fiona's black market activities. Was Fiona's solution as simple as black and white?
His cuisine and knowledge of wine made him a rising culinary star until he catered an event at which Libby was present. When Libby scoffed at his food fabrications, his business suffered. Could another such cut have been fatal?
He's a former policeman who was hired to guard the painting. He will take charge of the investigation, and no clues are too obscure for his keen investigative eye.
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